Other items we have accomplished are such things as a successful "Taste of Land Park" (wine tasting, restaurant sampling and car show) that netted over $8,000. For the first time, we thanked our neighbors for their support by holding a free Family Picnic Day with games. Despite soaring heat, it was attended by approximately 100 neighbors. We initiated the Volunteer Corp to compensate for the disastrous cut in park maintenance we go out and prune, plant and and clean up. We lent our support to our Curtis Park neighbors by endorsing the Curtis Park Village developement. We encouraged and discouraged cell towers, depending on viability of the locations and appearance. We co-hosted, along with the City, the annual Easter Egg Hunt which was attended by hundreds of children who picked up thousands of plastic eggs stuffed by the local boy scout troop. We are developing a better relationship with our councilman with monthly meetings. We are watching closely a move to expand the Sacramento Zoo...a great idea in theory, but a disaster for the existing park's use.
The election that just took place was suppose to be a simple one. There were a couple of contested positions, but no animosity was forseen. In fact, we still have 3 open seats we are hoping to fill in the coming months. The unexpected antagonism occured when one of the board members from the previous regime did not win as president. It was unfortunate and the resulting diatribes were sad. Since that election, the losing board member has resigned all positions he held within the board as did one of the other old regime board members.
We are now busy filling very large shoes of the two who resigned. We are fortunate to have a very capable member step up to one of the positions. It is believed that one of the other positions will be filled at the next board meeting. There are other committees that will need attention and with the talent we have within our membership, it is certain we will find other talent out there.
So, as has been the history of this board, there is never a dull moment. However, we look forward to a positive coming year with many challenges and hopefully, many great outcomes.
Labels: Land Park Community Association