Paula Swayne's Blog

Monday, July 20, 2009


My memories of Fairytale Town? Let's see...loved the Crooked Mile, so wanted my birthday party at the Castle (not a great idea in January) and being chased by a goose that I am sure was 10 feet tall! Now I get to help create some memories for my fun is that?

Fairytale Town was opened in 1959 and has been a Sacramento destination for children and adults alike since. You can even join their Twitter Group for updates on chick hatchings, set improvements and field trips.

There are some truly remarkable trivia about the wonderful playground for children. All of the sets at Fairytale Town were built by volunteer labor and donated goods. Presently, Fairytale Town is raising funds through their "
Yellow Brick Road" . The "Town" was selected as a filming location for the BBC (a documentary about twins) and the Muscular Dystrophy Association for film clips of children playing.

There are a multitude of coming events such as a 50's theme Crystal Rockin' Royal 50th Anniversary Bash on August 29th from 5-9, th eTwilight Concert Series on Wednesdays (July 22, August 5th and August 19th) at 6:00, Scholarshare Children's Book Festival on September 26th and 27th from 10AM to 4PM and so, so much more! To learn more about these and other events, go on line to
Fairytale Town.

See ya there!


Sacramento's Land Park Community Association Membership Meeting

Sacramento's Land Park Community Association is hosting it's second quarterly membership meeting this Wednesday night at James Monroe Eskaton on Freeport Boulevard at 6:30.

LPCA had scheduled
Kevin Johnson to be our speaker. Earlier this month we were told that he had a conflict in his schedule and would not be able to attend. However, as of this week, his staff was trying to work it out so he could attend.

Also, we will be covering topics such as the Curtis Park Village, the First Annual Picnic in the Park, the Taste of Land Park and discussion of a few bylaw changes.

It is our hope that many of our Land Park neighbors will join us and give us input. We look forward to seeing your Wednesday night!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I woke up this morning a little earlier than usual. But then, the light was just starting to stream through the windows and the promise of accomplishing a few tasks kept me awake. Finally, I surrendered to the day and got up. I "putzed" (as my grandmother use to call it), filling the dogs cookie jar, enlarging my daily Sudoku so I could actually read it, tossing a few Coke cans left over from the night before.

Then I realized...I wasn't paying attention. For example, a few weeks ago I wondered what happened to the birds that use to warble their song each and every morning. Leaving the house the other day, I realized that it wasn't so much that the birds had quit singing...I had quit listening.

We long for the "good old days", yet did you patronize that lemonade stand that the children had so eagerly set up? Your quarter (or maybe a generous dollar or two), would have been such an exciting moment for those kids. Did you see them? Did you take the 30 seconds it would have taken to stop and congratulate them for their industriousness?

Did you notice that flower that made such an effort to peek out from a crack in the cement? Did you give an appreciative wave to the driver that let you merge into impossible traffic? Did you "adopt" the grocery cart that someone was going out of their way to put where it belonged...after all, you were heading into the store anyway. When you saw that stray dog, did you stop to, at the very least, bring it someplace where it wouldn't get itself or someone else hurt as it dodged traffic?

We can make each day truly rich in it's experiences. We just need to pay attention.
Photos from Flickr by nagillum, Dan Hugo and Dan Phiffer


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


While farmers markets are becoming more and more popular, some may wonder why they should drive all the way out to Sloughhouse to get their veggies and fruits. After all, don't all farmers market have pretty much the same things?

NOPE! Take the drive out to Davis Ranch
to find out the difference.

My most recent visit was on the 4th of July...and wouldn't you think that it would be a bit slow or that Davis Ranch would have shortened their hours in favor of the holiday? Not only were they open, they were swamped! We drove by the first time on our way to our own 4th of July celebration at about 9:30AM...and they were busy. We stopped by on our way home at about 2:30...and they were going crazy with business!

What makes this place so exceptional? Easy...the fresh produce. Many grocery stores get their produce from Davis Ranch (especially the corn). We get to cut out the middle man and buy it direct! Do they bring in some of the produce? I am pretty sure the answer is yes. It doesn't bother me because I know most of it is their own and you can't beat the price! (That's me at the counter paying for more vegetables than we can eat in a week...but they all looked so good!)

And now you can attend the Davis Ranch Corn Festival! It will be on July 18th and 19th from 9AM to 4PM. They will entertain with live music, arts and crafts, FFA demonstrations, and great food (which includes their famous Slouhhouse corn)!

If you are looking for a fun filled family outing, don't miss this celebration! Davis Ranch is located at 13211 Jackson Road...just look for the crowds! For more information, you can call 530 503-9292.

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Friday, July 3, 2009


California had a great program to promote new homes. First time home buyers could purchase a brand new home and receive a $10,000 credit from the state as an incentive to act now. It was a great opportunity to lower the overall cost of purchasing a home and gave a great reason to purchase now.
The opportunity disappeared as of midnight last night. Those who had hoped to take advantage of this offer will no longer have such a great credit.

That fence that so many buyers are sitting on is disintegrating fast. This credit is gone and as of December 1st, the $8,000 credit will be gone as well. In this economy, don't look for an extension of these credits. Most will agree that interest rates are not going to vastly improve. With December approaching quickly and an escrow lasting a minimum of 45 days (in a normal sale...several months for short sales), buyers should leap off of that proverbial fence and act now!


Thursday, July 2, 2009


On June 27th, the Land Park Community Association hosted the 1st Annual Picnic in Land Park! Thanking our neighbors for their ongoing efforts on behalf of the Land Park neighborhood was the inspiration for the event.
In keeping with the setting, the picnic was an old-fashioned, ice cream eating, apple pie contest, family oriented experience. Live guitar music supplied the background for fun, chatting and games. The children enjoyed face painting, Go Fish, sack races, croquet, golf and so much more! Adults had a few contests as well.

Over 100 families joined in the fun, even in over 100 degree heat! Vic's Ice Cream and chilled beverages helped cool everyone down. A great lunch of burgers and hot dogs was provided to all who joined in.

Thanks to Raleys for sponsoring the event! A great time had by all!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


It is such an exciting time, when all of the saving and sacrificing finally pays off. The search for a home begins.

It is a fact that most homebuyers now search on the internet for their home before they ever contact a Realtor. Searching on the internet or going to open houses results in a more savvy and informed buyer and is a positive step in the home buying process.

However, there is an initial, more important step that should not be ignored. Talking with a lender is vital in an intelligent, directed search for a home. A buyer should know, from the outset, what loan amount they can qualify for. The quality of the lender is also a factor in having the home buying experience be a positive one. A reputable lender will not charge "garbage fees". An experienced lender will know the range of loans available and which loan will best fit the buyers needs. A good lender will keep in contact with the buyer on a continual basis. The Realtor can give great referrals if the buyer needs some recommendations.

Speaking of Realtors, don't take this selection lightly. To be redundant, be sure to work with a Realtor...they are held to a higher standard. A Realtor must work under a Code of Ethics (unlike an agent). Ask for referrals from friends, relatives or neighbors. Be certain to select a Realtor who is knowledgeable about the neighborhood in which the buyer wants to live.

Once the buyer has been pre-qualified or pre-approved, the home search begins! The process can be made much more efficient and enjoyable if the buyer knows how to approach the search. A "wish list" is a wonderful indication to the Realtor as to what the buyer would enjoy in their new home. However, it should be delineated into the "must haves" and the "would like to have". A "must have" list that is too specific or too exact may eliminate a home that otherwise would have been perfect. Buyers need to be somewhat flexible. Possibly the family
room is so appealing that the "must have" office becomes secondary. The "must have" large yard might become secondary to the beautiful remodeled kitchen because the property is located near a lush park.

Finally, don't be shy about asking questions. The buyer should understand the process and have a Realtor that is more than happy to help in any way. The home buying experience can be fun and exciting if it is approached in the right way. Enjoy!
